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Group insurance plan

Offering a group insurance plan is essential. Such a product allows employees to obtain protection against major adversities in life. Not to mention, in Quebec, it allows employees to save hundreds of dollars by avoiding having to register for the RAMQ drug insurance plan. Moreover, the percentage of Quebec employees covered by a group insurance plan has continued to increase over the last 10 years.


Did you know:

  • That an employee without group insurance who becomes disabled has an almost assured place on social assistance and poverty?

  • That a single parent who dies prematurely will leave their children vulnerable and in need without the life insurance of their group insurance plan?


In addition, supplemental health and dental insurance protection helps employees have better health, be less stressed, and therefore perform better at work.


Investing in the training of your employees means:

  • Preparing for the future by adapting employee qualifications to the jobs of tomorrow

  • Invest in the economic and social performance of your company.

An employee who learns and improves gains self-confidence and performs better. Whether we are aservice firm or a manufacturer, what we ultimately sell is the talent of our employees. It is therefore imperative to have a skills improvement plan for everyone in order to improve employee happiness and performance.

Femme senior moderne

Opportunity for advancement

The possibility of advancement is one of the basic elements of motivation at work. Redundancy, the lack of new challenges, new objectives to achieve are often at the origin of employee demotivation.

To motivate your troops, what could be better than to see with them their vision of the future, of the place they would like to occupy within your company. Also share your dreams and goals with your team, you might be surprised to see the interest they might generate. A factory employee could very well find the impetus to follow the training that could allow him to covet this position that you plan to create within 2 years. Think in the short, medium and long term with your employees, because they too contribute to the future of your company!

Group pension plan

One of the missions of today's employer is to attract quality people to their team, and to make those who are already part of it want to stay. More than ever, people want to be treated kindly in order to develop a feeling of commitment and belonging.


By offering a group RRSP, you contribute to employees' attachment to your company, while offering them the opportunity to develop financial discipline that will allow them to enjoy a decent retirement!

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